Friday, 1 March 2013

Sunny day!

Hi Everyone, I have got so much to do but the sun is shining (a very rare sight in Edinburgh) and I keep getting distracted with the shiny thing in the sky and social media!! Can't believe I knew nothing about it a few months ago and now update 3 facebook pages most days and now also have 2 twitter accounts. As my very good friend said yesterday "Embrace the social media!'

The trouble is I think I might be doing too much embracing today and not enough focusing on work in the real world so I better go. Got a plate and a portrait to finish today and an event tomorrow...

I also need to get an Evening News newspaper as one of my photos is supposed to be in today, and I am hoping to find a new edition of Made Magazine  this weekend to see my new illustrations and advert. You see I promise I'm usually focused and working hard.

Tweet me @sammillerart or @edinburghpopup

© Copyright  Sam Miller 2013
All the artwork and text on this blog are original and belong to SamMillerUK. They must not be copied, used or reproduced without the permission of the artist. Thank you.


  1. Hi Sam, lovely to find your blog, I know what you mean about social media it is addictive. If only there were more hours in the day. Now onto twitter see you there soon. Beth :)

  2. Hi Beth, thanks so much for your message and hope to bump into you in one of these medias again soon!
